React is the New IBM

Those of us that have been in the industry long enough have seen variations of this phrase come and go:
No one ever got fired for picking IBM
The first hit on Google has a great blog post on this:
[It] is an unattributed quote that’s been repeated so often in tech circles that it’s buried into the mindset of a lot of longtime IBM® users.
And that’s a problem for progress.
It’s a status quo mindset — the biggest enemy of pure innovation.
Citing the very well written LinkedIn article by Paul Liesching:
Of course it really means nobody ever got fired for buying the Incumbent MegaBrand.
In the 80s this mantra was expertly exploited by the sales ethos known as FUD. Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt has been the most lethal tool in the MegaBrand’s sales and marketing arsenal, and it is still very much part of the armoury today.
The biggest goal of a CIO in a large organisation is “Do Not Fail”, or if they do, make sure it wasn’t their fault. Buying the safe Incumbent MegaBrand has perfectly supported this goal until now.
Variants of this have come and gone; replace “IBM” with “Oracle” or “Microsoft” or “Intel” or “SAP” and you get the point.
While React obviously isn’t a company, I’d proffer that React now holds the same crown: it’s a problem for progress and a symptom of a status quo mindset.
The State of Frontend
The State of JS 2022 survey unsurprisingly shows that React is still on top in terms of usage. In fact, it continues to grow in marketshare (at least in the limited audience of this survey):

If we use YCombinator’s Work at a Startup job posting site as a proxy of the startup world, you can see that it skews even more heavily towards React:

It’s even now used by major properties like Target:

And Walmart:

Even Microsoft Teams — that collaboration tool that everyone loves to hate — is now being rewritten in React:

There’s no clearer signal that React is now the “safe”, enterprise choice— the modern IBM — and that’s why you probably shouldn’t choose it.
The Problems with React
Among the major front-end libraries— React, Angular, Vue, Svelte, and Preact — React is one of the worst performing libraries.
Whether it is in terms of payload size:

Or CPU time:

React performs terribly.
Benchmarks for the major UI libraries consistently show React as a poor performer:

Across just about every single meaningful facet of performance:

React’s combination of poor payload size, poor execution speed, and high memory consumption make it a particularly poor choice for web apps that target a mobile audience.
This tends to go unnoticed when developers are working on high speed internet connections and modern devices, especially in an enterprise context where there is more homogeneity in the hardware and connectivity. But in consumer space? In developing countries? On older devices? This penalty is suffered by the end user.
Ecosystem vs Innovation
Despite all of this, React remains the top library for front-end development.
Part of this is that it is the by-product of a self-fulfilling prophecy not unlike the days of IBM or Microsoft’s dominance: the ecosystem and perceived “safety” of picking IBM or Microsoft or Oracle or React creates a self-feeding cycle of more React which I’ve seen expressed as:
while (react.isPopular) {
react.isPopular = true
But this creates a blind spot: innovation.
You see: the bigger the ecosystem → the greater the dependencies → the more enterprise buy in → the higher the difficulty in innovating. Not just for the sake of innovating, but to improve performance, improve DX, improve the end-user experience of interacting with modern web apps. Once a faction has gained the market dominance that React has, innovation is all but guaranteed to go by the wayside. For one: because of the greater expectation of stability. But secondly, it imbues the leadership team on the project with a sense of closed-minded arrogance.
When I first saw Andrew Clark’s tweet, I thought it was a joke. Surely, this was tongue-in-cheek, right? Clark acknowledges that fine-grained reactivity with signals is “great for performance”…
“But I prefer React’s model where you pretend the whole thing is recreated every time”
It’s no joke; indeed, the React team will double down on this approach despite all evidence that there are better, faster models because the team is first off constrained by its marketshare and also too arrogant to admit that they’ve been selling us — the developers and end users — lemons.
As Alex Russell writes in his opinion piece:
The market for lemons depends on customers having less information than those selling shoddy products. Some who hyped these stacks early on were earnestly ignorant, which is forgivable when recognition of error leads to changes in behaviour. But that’s not what the most popular frameworks of the last decade did.
Andrew Clark’s vision of using more compiler magic to solve for React’s shortcomings is indeed a very Facebook-esque approach to solving problems with performance and suitability of the underlying technical model. We’ve seen the same with Facebook’s HipHop Virtual Machine — created to solve PHP’s issues at scale — and Hack programming language. But the compiler is fundamentally solving the wrong problem; it is a band-aid on a self-inflicted wound caused by React’s “special” model of reactivity built around the component function instead of a reactive callback:
On the one hand, I do think we should praise the React team for ensuring that teams that have invested in React do not have to toss their efforts by starting from the ground up (much as they were able to scale poor performing PHP with HipHop). However, on the other hand, you can see that the solution to the failings of React is to stray further from progressive approaches to building web-UIs by forcing more of the “magic” into a compiler to make a broken model work.
It is clear to me that React is a dead-end and its fundamental failings can only be “solved” by compiler magic slapping band-aids labeled useMemo
and useCallback
into the transpiled output. We’re building JavaScript and HTML front-ends here, not operating systems!
Perhaps more importantly, that compiler magic is solving for the wrong thing.
Like IBM mainframe systems of the old days and Microsoft’s enterprise software like SharePoint, the complexity of such systems is highly undersold. That’s part of the power of being in a dominant position and being the “safe” choice: the marketshare creates an illusion and a lot of FUD where the rubber meets the road (“What if we can’t hire any JavaScript/Svelte/Vue/Solid/Preact developers?!”).
Once again, Alex Russell’s essay puts it bluntly:
The complexity merchants knew their environments weren’t typical, but they sold highly specialised tools as though they were generally appropriate. They understood that most websites lack tight latency budgeting, dedicated performance teams, hawkish management reviews, ship gates to prevent regressions, and end-to-end measurements of critical user journeys. They understood the only way to scale JS-driven frontends are massive investments in controlling complexity, but warned none of their customers.
They could have copped to an honest error, admitted that these technologies require vast infrastructure to operate; that they are unscalable in the hands of all but the most sophisticated teams. They did the opposite, doubling down, breathlessly announcing vapourware year after year to forestall critical thinking about fundamental design flaws. They also worked behind the scenes to marginalise those who pointed out the disturbing results and extraordinary costs.
React’s complexity is well hidden but is inherent in the render cycle’s assumption of stateless components which means that developers need to understand when and where to carefully place state.
React’s quasi-functional model makes certain assumptions about the difficulty of managing state which I think simply aren’t true. World of BS has a nice, concise writeup on different programming philosopies and how they view state:
I recently realized that all the various programming philosophies are concerned with state, and can be boiled down into a simple statement about how to work with state.
Object-Oriented — Modifying a lot of state at once is hard to get correct; encapsulate subsets of state into separate objects and allow limited manipulation of the encapsulated sub-state via methods.
Functional — Modifying state is hard to get correct; keep it at the boundaries and keep logic pure so that it is easier to verify the logic is correct.
Read this way, you can see why React’s hooks model is so confounding when aligned with its functional aspirations: the hooks are conceptually more like an object-oriented encapsulation of state with a getter
and setter
(thanks for this idea Amy Blankenship).
This observation about programming philosophies and how they view state seems spot on and the interesting question to ask is whether web UIs are more biased towards state or logic to consider the suitability of one model over the other. And the follow-on question: does React’s functional approach actually reduce the complexity of getting logic and state correct? (If you’ve worked on any sufficiently large React project, you already know the answer to that.)
If you’ve found yourself going back to your code after finding an errant side effect and adding in useMemo
and useCallback
after finding a weird bug in your UI or going the other way and ripping out excessive and overzealous use of useMemo
and useCallback
, then welcome to the club. React’s render model and insistence on functional purity is counterintuitive when considering how every stateful UI application library or framework — whether it’s desktop apps, mobile apps, 3D game libraries, etc. — is designed.
Yes, at a low-level, a graphics card will draw frame-by-frame discarding the rendered buffer of pixels that came before, but that is a hardware level implementation detail and abstractions mean that such low level details do not bubble to the developer where we generally always assume that our UI component or object is stateful. In other words, the purpose of an engine like Unreal or Unity or Godot is to improve productivity through stateful abstractions on top of a stateless frame rendering pipeline.
Perhaps there’s a reason for Facebook to ask that React developers pretend that the DOM tree is recreated each time (when in fact, it is not) 🤷♂️.
This gets me to my next point:
It Doesn’t Solve _Your_ Problem
There’s no question: React’s initial learning curve is incredibly low as React itself is primarily concerned with simply rendering and the barest of state management. Even if you do React poorly (e.g. not writing “pure”, side-effect free components), you rarely notice the issues in a small project.
Yet React’s logical model of recreating the entirety of the UI on change of state is incredibly difficult to do right at scale. By that I mean that as applications and teams get larger, as your layers of context providers grows, the chances of writing components with unexpected side effects increases due to differing levels of skill, knowledge, experience, and simply having a larger body of code to cover.
For Facebook and large enterprise teams like Target, Walmart, and Microsoft, this may be manageable through rigorous testing, additional tooling, and better training. The question here then is whether React is the best tool for a startup or a small team that wants to move at speed. I posit that the answer is “No”; React was born out of Facebook to solve Facebook’s problems at Facebook’s scale with Facebook’s resources.
In some sense, this recalls Scott Carey’s article Complexity is Killing Software Developers which had this great qoute:
“Essential is the complexity in the business domain you are working in, the fact that enterprises are extremely complicated environments, so the problems they are trying to solve are inherently complex. The other area is accidental; this is the complexity that comes with our tooling and what we layer on top when solving a problem.”
In particular, Carey calls out the shift from monolithic approaches to microservices as one of the key sources of complexity in modern architectures.
There is certainly a place and a time for microservices and the added level of complexity that comes along with it, but the question that every team needs to ask themselves is “Do I need this? Right now?” or is it just the “complexity merchants” seeking to peddle their wares.
Like the complexity of React, the answer is probably “No”; the majority of us are not solving Facebook or Target or Walmart scale problems with Facebook or Target or Walmart scale resources with the option to use Facebook or Target or Walmart level hacks and workarounds.
For the rest of us — especially startups — being able to move fast without foot-gunning ourselves is probably the more important facet of selecting a tech stack.
Much of the useful innovation in the UI space is now happening around the edges of the React ecosystem: Solid.js, Preact.js, Svelte.js, Vue.js, Astro.js, HTMX (why SSR your whole page when you can just SSR the pieces that changed?), Qwik.js, Marko.js, Deno Fresh, and progressive enhancements using modern JavaScript capabilities.
Vue 3.4’s defineModel
macro is a perfect example of how even seemingly small innovations can have a profound impact on DX and iteration speed.

Like IBM, React will one day lose its crown by virtue of its own mass and inability to innovate towards better solutions. It is already apparent in how the team thinks about the state of front-end and how to continue to (not) improve the experience for developers, teams, and end-users. While Evan You of Vue has no problems borrowing better ideas from other teams (e.g. Vue’s upcoming Vapor mode), the React team simply doubles down despite acknowledging that there are better models for performance; it's difficult to stop selling lemons when lemons are all you've got!
React is the new IBM: you should learn it, you should understand its faults, you should probably still deploy it in the right context. You’ll never get fired for picking it, but it’s going to be expensive, bloated, difficult to get right, and it’s going to be joyless implementing it every step of the way. React is “the status quo mindset — the biggest enemy of pure innovation”.